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Elettra Back On Air!  
 –  tenth edition –  June 8 and 9th, 2024
Ham Radio Activation of “Elettra“ yacht relic

    I Y 4 R F E

Villa Griffone (Marconi’s  birthplace) – Pontecchio Marconi, Bologna (ITALY)
– With the sponsorship of the “Guglielmo Marconi Foundation” and „Marconi Museum“-

Dear President / Board of Directors,

A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club (A.R.I. Italian Amateur Radio Association, IARU affiliated), organizes the eighth edition of a technical – cultural event, hold at the seat of the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation (Villa Griffone, Marconi’s  birthplace – Pontecchio Marconi , Bologna – Italy) on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June, 2024.

Aim of this event is to highlight at an international level the historical value and meaning of the Yacht “Elettra”, the moving laboratory of the great Italian scientist, onboard of which a number of very important experiments on the radiocommunications were conducted.

Over the whole weekend, the radioamateurs of the A.R.I. Fidenza group will operate a radio station located close to the relict keel of the yacht “Elettra”, kept at the Museum, and will ideally give new life to its “voice“, allowing the radioamateurs overall in the world to get in contact with it.

The radio contacts will be operated using the SPECIAL MARCONIAN STATION CALLSIGN

 I Y 4 R F E
„radio broadcast for everybody“

as part of the amateur radio award “DISCOVERING MARCONI” organized by our Section with the historical consultancy of the Marconi Museum on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the scientist’s birth.

We believe that is mainly interest all Ham Radio operators, so please notify it to your associated OM and /or your webmaster/website.

All details at official website:

“Discovering Marconi” is an international amateur radio diploma organized by the A.R.I. Radio Club of Fidenza (ITALY), IARU affiliated – -, with the patronage and historical supervision of Marconi Museum (Guglielmo Marconi Foundation).

Commemorating the 150th anniversary from the birth of the great Italian scientist (1874), this award aims to delve deeper into the thought, vision capacity and character of Guglielmo Marconi, through selected, significant fragments from some of his many public speeches, with an excursus, moving from the first scientific reports to the last radio message, he sent just a few months before his sudden death, occurred in 1937.

As summarized by Dr. Barbara Valotti, director of the Marconi Museum and curator of the relevant historical research:
“Guglielmo Marconi was the initiator of one of the most extraordinary changes and innovations at the origins of the contemporary world: his invention, a wireless telegraphy system developed in 1895, started the era of radio communications.
Thanks to his ability to combine singular technological ability and a concrete entrepreneurial spirit, Marconi dedicated himself to the development of his invention and, over the course of a career that lasted forty years, he was an inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, great protagonist and, above all, the innovator and creator of the new field he had started when he was just twenty years old: wireless communications.”

The award dedicates each month of 2024 to a specific phrase pronounced by Guglielmo Marconi, which is resumed in a single „keyword“, summarizing and characterizing its content. The special and exclusive amateur radio callsign associated with each month also contains an acronym from this keyword.

Further details, special callsigns and award rules visiting our official website.

Best regards and 73.
Cristiano Cornini ,   IW4CLV
A.R.I. Fidenza Radio Club President